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Personal Space and Independence Needs Assessment

10 questions
3 minutes
Verified by Vuln Love

This psychological test assesses how well individuals respect personal space and independence within their relationships. It covers various aspects, such as the need for solitude, handling separations, supporting each other’s goals, respecting privacy, and encouraging separate friendships. Respondents indicate their experiences and feelings on a scale from low to high respect for personal independence, helping to evaluate the dynamics of intimacy and autonomy in their relationships.

Please choose the one option that best applies to you

1. Respecting private time:
2. Having separate hobbies or interests:
3. Handling time apart (trips, work travel):
4. Balancing closeness and independence:
5. Supporting personal goals that don’t involve the partner:
6. Respecting privacy (journals, personal emails):
7. Dealing with different comfort levels in independence:
8. Reassuring each other during periods of independence:
9. Encouraging separate friendships:
10. Overall approach to personal space and independence:
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